Monday, March 31, 2014

First week; the first up and down!


Last week; 155 lbs.

Last week, the temperature wasn't on my side so I wasn't able to take a walk every day with my girl. I took 2 walk of 45 minutes each and a third one of 20 minutes.

Plus I wanted to start the ''six pack'' challenge, but I didn't kick my butt hard enough. I decided to do it this week instead... Go motivation!

Excepted for the week end, I stood by my ''clean eating'' and did a great grocery with a lot of fruits and veggies! I even found Edamame (is a preparation of immature soybeans in the pod), at my grocery! They are easy to bake (3 minutes in the microwave) and I add a little bit of pink salt on top, it's so yummy! Edamame are rich in carbohydrates, protein, dietary fiber, particularly folates, manganese, and vitamin K!

Nutritional value per 100 g 
122 kcal
Carbohydrates 9.94 g
Sugars 2.18 g
Dietary fiber 5.2 g
Fat 5.2 g
Protein 10.88 g

Monday morning:

153 lbs. Youhoo!!!


1/2 cup - 1 cup of fresh baby spinach
1/2 cup pineapple + his juice
1/2 cup strawberry
1/2 - 1 banana
cover the rest with soy or almond milk or coconut water
blend everything together!

You can add some honey, but this smoothie is already sugared up by the fruits,
you can also add chia seed and/or hemp seed to boost everything up!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

9 months in, 9 months out, OMG I hope not!

I saw on a few blogs and sites that it take 9 months to make a baby, it will take 9 months to loose all the weight I gained during pregnancy... Ouff, I hope not!



One thing during and after pregnancy (if you're breastfeeding like me) is that you can't do any kind of diet and most of all, you can't take any whey protein, gatorade/powerade water and caffeine pills, which I used a lot to give me energy boost before the crossfit. 

Diastasis Recti Abdominal Separation - Post-pregnancy; What it is and how to spot itSince I know that I don't need to diet to loose weight (just eating clean is enough) I still need to add some workout to my daily routine with the baby and it's not that easy. I was lucky enough to not have a diastasis of my abs (diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles of the abdomen is a separation of the abdominal midline between the breastbone and the navel that can occur during pregnancy), while I was pregnant. It take a lot of time for them to be ack together and you can't train with a diastasis of your abs!

Before pregnancy

What I look like after giving birth (two months, no workout)

Sleep deprivation is one thing but I needed to get my pelvic floor as good as it was before giving birth, I will spare you the detail, but my delivery was so quick that I need more than just a few stiches... After two months, I still sense some superficiel stiches but I really think I'm ok for a slow restart! I was in a very good shape before and during my pregnancy but now I need to make a huge come back. 

I will see my doctor next week for my post-birth appointement. I'm eager to have the ok of the doctor to restart my workout!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's been a while...

Almost an entire year had past since I posted something on my blog...

I learned in last June that I was almost a 2 months pregnant!!! OMG!!! The blog didn't have any chance by then, I had to put it away. The morning sickness was overwhelming the first 3 months and nothing was enough appealing to post: I started to have acne, I took a lot of weight in the first months even if I was still working out, I was a mess!

I took almost 55lbs during my pregnancy and I was kind of depress about it!

Anyway, I gave birth to a beautiful little princess, Lilyann, on January 29th 2014!

After two months, I feel like I can resart my training, I lost 30lbs of baby fat and now I have to help myself to loose the rest! Plus I have a wedding in June so I don't have any time to waste!

For my official return on March 24th 2014


My goal: fit in my pre-pregnancy clothes ( small ) and be able to wear a nice dress by the early June!

Daily outside walk with baby (when the weather is good!) 45 minutes to 1 hour

The six-pack April Challenge 2014 (the six pack march challenge from 2013)

Eat healthier, of course!

More water!

It will be hard enough because I'm breast feeding...

After my appointement with the doctor on April 2nd, I will be able to add more workout with the ok of the doctor! I'm thrilled!